Upstage Left | Intimate Conversations with New York Theater

An Interview With Playwright: Ming Peiffer

Rachel Lin / Ming Pieffer Season 1 Episode 1

Ming Peiffer's Roundabout Underground debut, "Usual Girls" made history by writing the first play to sell out its extension before the show even opened. The critically acclaimed play follows the story of Kyeoung, a bi-racial (half-Korean, half-American) girl coming of age in Ohio.

A former actress, and founder of the now defunct Spookfish Theater Company - Ming talks about her own journey from being on stage to writing for it. The roles that were available to her as a young actress and what propelled her to create her own.

We discuss what it means to be an Asian American artist making theater today and the hard reality of having to choose a path - either pursuing inclusion in the Asian American theater scene or carving out your own path.

She talks about her experience with Usual Girls, and how its success will impact her work moving forward.

For news & more info about Ming @
Intro music by David Hilowitz

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