Upstage Left | Intimate Conversations with New York Theater
Upstage Left | Intimate Conversations with New York Theater
An Interview with Associate Artistic Director: Erin Daley
In this episode, Rachel chats with Erin Daley, the associate artistic director of Primary Stages. They recorded this episode on March 25th (two months ago), when New York City was only two weeks into quarantine. While things were much less certain then, it might have also been easier to be more optimistic. With this in mind, listen in, as the two discuss what the realities of the industry might look like on the other side of this pandemic and what organizations are thinking about as they navigate the current state of affairs.
Having met almost a decade ago at the Flea theater, Rachel was excited to chat with Erin about organization structure, and what it takes to run a theater. They talk about her roles and responsibilities as associate artistic director, her experience working with emerging artists, and what she's thinking about when reading new scripts.
Mentioned in this episode:
Dorothy Strelsin New Writers Group
Primary Stages
Music by David Hilowitz