Upstage Left | Intimate Conversations with New York Theater
Upstage Left | Intimate Conversations with New York Theater
An Interview with: Wendy Vanden Heuvel
Wendy Vanden Heuvel is a native New Yorker, who has been acting since high school. Today she is an actor (most recently seen in the world premiere of Jessica Dickey's The Convent as the Mother Abbess), teacher, and producer. She is the artistic director of Weathervane Theater, founder of piecebypiece productions, and a member of Rising Phoenix Rep.
I met Wendy when she was teaching acting at the Experimental Theater Wing, at NYU where she also studied as an undergrad during the studio's early years. She went on to study with Jerzy Grotowski and Joseph Chaikin. We talk about her teachers over the years, and she reveals the challenges she faced early on.
We talk about the importance of the physical body: breath, spine, groin - as a part of the instrument, and how we should all "get into our animal."
Thank you to Jim Swonger @ Cleveland Play House for allowing me to use their sound studio to record the intro!
Music credit: David Hilowitz